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Wellness Coach-Anxiety Counseling

Camille Kennard

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Health and Wellness Coach. I have been a social worker for the past ten years counseling people with chronic medical conditions and providing grief counseling to patients and families.

The inspiration for my business Flourish Wellness; came from my desire to help people avoid chronic disease and illness through learning to nurture themselves as part of their lifestyle; body, mind, and soul. This passion came from my own journey with managing weight, improving my self-esteem, and learning to love and care for myself. I began running, biking, and hiking, and it has changed my physical, mental and emotional health for the better.  I also noticed I had more energy and stamina when the majority of my diet came from fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and other whole foods. I love my life and have enjoyed the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and I love helping others to do the same.

Live Meditation Classes

Anxiety Counseling

Meditation by the Beach


Image by J. Kelly Brito


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Training Programs

Coffee with Friends

Meet-ups & Groups

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Discover the Flourish Way

I help clients create a vision of the life they want and learn the practices and habits that will give them results through three areas: 


Mindful Eating

Joyful Movement

Stress Resilience


Discover the journey of wellness with these articles. I update my blog with videos, audios, and articles that include tips and tricks to get your life going in the right direction!

Seeing Your Body as a person, not an object

Seeing Your Body as a person, not an object

Source: Holly is a Certified Master Level Coach through Health Coach Institute and helps highly driven women build resilience to toxic beauty and diet messages. She uses an intuitive and spiritual approach that guides her clients towards self trust, confidence and Sovereignty over their entire being; body, mind and soul. From this place, her clients are able to make self guided decisions and finally live the life they desire in the body they live in today. In this episode Holly shares her personal journey with her body image beginning with dieting at the age of 8 years old to try to change her body. Holly talks about cultural messages that condition us as women with a message that you need to "stay pretty, stay conventionally attractive, stay small." The 70 billion dollar beauty industry promotes women being dissatisfied with their looks. Holly shares how she chose a career in fashion a highly "image centered" industry and found herself struggling with disordered eating and dissatisfaction with her body that led to digestive issues, hair loss, and anxiety. Holly describes her obsession with eating healthy and struggling with orthorexia and constant worries and fears about what she ate. She talks about how it influenced her quality of life, relationships, and mood. Holly loves to help people transform beliefs and teaches her clients "Intuitive Eating" which focuses on a healthy sustainable relationship with food. Holly shares how she helps women see their bodies as a "person" and treating it as a friend and rejecting cultural messages of being "not enough." Holly believes if we get out of the way of our body (stop trying to manipulate and change it) the body can self-regulate weight and health. Our body is our greatest teacher, our partner instead of our enemy. Holly began identifying her body as a person and felt less "hate" for her body. Holly helps her clients personify their body and honor it, naming the body, and exploring where body dissatisfaction comes from. She says hating our bodies is about conditioning and culture. We have been literally fed (pun intended) a system of beliefs (diet culture) that values weight, size, and physical characteristics above health and wellness. Holly shares her 4 part framework for loving the body we are in from 1) awareness 2) nourishment 3) resilience 4) sovereignty/freedom. It is possible to make peace with food and accept your body just as it is. Find community, support, and education through as Holly calls it a "homecoming" to who you truly are. Instagram: Facebook Group: Website: Books: Fearing The Black Body by Dr. Sabrina Strings Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch Health At Every Size by Lindo Bacon Body Respect by Lindo Bacon & Lucy Aphramor
Women, Hormones, and Mental Health

Women, Hormones, and Mental Health

Source: Are you experiencing mood swings, food cravings, fatigue, irritability, depression and or anxiety? If you are a woman these can be signs and symptoms of PMS or changes in your hormones. Women are more likely to have mental health issues because they linked to hormonal changes. Dr. Allyce K. Jones, is a psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioner specializing in women’s mental health. She is especially interested in treating women during reproductive transitions including with mental health symptoms premenstrually, in pregnancy and the postpartum period, and during perimenopause. Dr. Jones will address the significant mental health challenges for women through the life cycle of changes in hormones from puberty to menopause. She reports that changes in hormones can be a "high stakes" time women's mental health. During puberty young women have double the rates of depression as young men. Dr. Jones states this is because during hormonal fluctuation the brain is more sensitive. She will talk about connections between hormonal changes and rates of depression and anxiety. Dr. Jones shares how important it is to track symptoms, cycles, and sleep. She reports that many women she their mental health issues as a weakness that is part of changes in hormones. Dr. Jones reports there is hope with hormonal treatments, psychotropic medications, and counseling on the risks and benefits of medication during these challenging times. She will share with us interventions to improve mental health including; diet, sleep, light therapy, self-care, and support networks. It is important for each woman to make a plan for her own personal mental wellness. As a psychiatric nurse practitioner she will share how the brain reacts to hormonal changes and what we can do about to address areas of physical, emotional, and social well-being through all the seasons of a woman's life. Dr. Jones owns Felicity Women's Center in South Jordan, Utah and offers psychiatric diagnostic exams, medication management, and brief psychotherapy for women throughout Utah and Wyoming via telehealth.
Self-Love and Weight Release

Self-Love and Weight Release

Source: A health challenge for many people is the struggle with trying to lose weight. Many try diets, supplements, work outs, fitness trainers, and pills to get the weight off. It can be an emotional roller coaster. You may experience success, discouragement, and a cycle of ups and downs. The journey of weight release is personal, it's self-discovery, it's transformation, and it's about self-love. Brandon Halford is a the manager of commercial sales at Larry H. Miller Subaru, he is an entrepreneur, a Utah State graduate, a book club goer, and someone who has "remade himself" through the journey of weight release. Brandon shares with us his personal journey with anxiety, overeating, and physical health problems. He will shares how he made ONE simple New Year's resolution to stop eating sugar because he was unhappy and had no energy. He will inspire us with his journey to ultimately release 95 lbs of weight and the emotional and mental burdens tied to it. He shares how his desire to "be better" overwhelmed his desire to "stay the same." Brandon shares how his 5 pillars of Wellness helped him love himself, change his self-image, and change self-defeating thoughts. Changing his limiting beliefs helped him keep his weight off and ultimately transform his life for good. Brandon talks about his commitment and determination to not let his fears or his weight control him or hold him back. He shares how "self-trust" is essential to wellness and weight loss. Brandon shares how he was able to focus on the things he loved like cycling, hiking, pickleball, and basketball. He talks about the importance of resilience and getting back up when we fall and focusing on the victory. Brandon says we must "define ourselves by our strengths not our weaknesses." He shows how staying committed to his goals with small steps, resilience, and focusing on love and honesty gave him a life where he can be happy with who he is and make the world a better place.
Loving Yourself to Health

Loving Yourself to Health

Source: Aida Woodward, is a DoTerra Wellness Advocate who lives what she promotes. She loves to teach about healthy lifestyle habits and how essential oils can promote health in the body. Aida will tell us about her own struggles with weight, stomach issues, Epstein-Barr, body fatigue, and colds that just wouldn't go away. Aida will share how beginning whole foods supplements improved her mood, energy, immune system, and overrall health and well-being. Aida shares how taking a whole food supplement promotes healthy hair, skin, bones and nails and that it will give your body what it needs. Aida has a passion for wellness including eating whole foods, moving her body, and learning what herbs and plants can help with certain health issues. Aida says that we are never to old to start taking care of our health. She encourages people to think about how they can prolong their life and have a better quality of life through taking care of yourself. Aida explains how important it is to put our health as a priority in order to age well. Aida shares how DoTerra essential oils are sourced from plants in their natural habitat. Promoting health is Aida's passion and she says that we can love ourselves through out our lives by living life from the Pyramid of Health (exercise, food, rest). Aida will share how she has seen essential oils and natural supplements have been able to help her friends and family members to fight illness, promote health, and improve quality of life. Aida talks to us about being educated consumers to know what we are putting in and on our body in order to help ourselves thrive by getting rest, exercise, and nutrition.


Please feel free to contact me by phone or email. Or alternatively fill in the form below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

PHONE NUMBER: 385-242-3242


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