It’s December and the holiday spirit is in the air! I love this time of year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the meaning of His life. There is a feeling of good cheer, kindness, and love for others during the holiday season. I believe that Christ came to show us how to live, to serve, and to find happiness. My favorite part about Christmas is the kindness and service that is given. People are a little more generous, a little kinder, and reach out more to their fellow beings.
As many of you know I am the oldest of eight children and have 22 nieces and nephews. The holidays can definitely be busy and filled with activities, entertainment, and gifts. While we enjoy some of those things each year, we have also decided to do a service activity as a family to help others. This year we found a family through Utah Foster Care and we will be sponsoring 8 children for Christmas, purchasing clothes, shoes, and toys. My nieces and nephews will pick out gifts for a child around their age. They are serving children they have never met. I love this tradition of giving! It’s good for those we serve and helps us feel the spirit of Christ as well.
What are your Christmas giving traditions? What service and love can you give this year? This year simplify your holidays and enjoy time serving and being with those you love. Gift giving is definitely one of my love languages. I love picking out just the right gift.
This Christmas, I want to give you 3 gifts to help you along in your health journey:
5 Ways to Eat Well during the Holidays! During this Mindful Eating Webinar, Camille Kennard (Certified Health and Wellness Coach) and Chrissa Peterson (Registered Dietitian) will coach you through Mindful and Intuitive Eating tips to make it through the holidays without gaining weight, without guilt, and feeling confident in your ability to work through cravings, stress, and holiday gatherings!
Click Here and use Promo Code: "EATWELL2019"
Discover Your Motivation. When I asked people what holds them back in taking care of their health most people say they just aren't motivated to make changes. So what is motivation? How do you get more of it? What motivates you to do what you do? What is your WHY? You will receive a downloadable video file and accompanying workbook.
Click Here and use Promo Code: "MOTIVATED2019" for a Free Checkout!
Here is a sneak peek with details about the Online 2019 Winter Wellness Power Class. (Video here.) This 6 week Live Online Group Coaching class begins Wednesday, Jan 9th at 7pm MDT/9pm ET and goes each week through Feb 13th, 2019. In this fun group setting, you will get extra support and accountability while learning from and relating to individuals in the class who may face similar challenges to your own. You can listen to or watch the classes from your computer, tablet or mobile phone, wherever there is internet access. A great gift to put under the tree for a loved one wanting to improve their health in 2019.
Click Here and use Promo Code “POWERCLASS2019” to take 20% off on me!
Merry Christmas friends! Thank you for all the good you do.