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Inspiration and Perspiration💪 😀🏃👊

Well, it’s the end of January where has the time gone? How are you feeling about the changes you’ve made in your life? What is going well? Take a moment to celebrate you progress, your intentions, your movement in the right direction.

The Power of Celebration:

  1. Point and proof of Progress- builds your self efficacy “I CAN DO THIS!” Energy of Accomplishment and Achievement

  2. Fuel efforts to reach your goal! “I’m getting closer and the goal is in sight”

  3. Build your confidence “I am powerful!” “I make things happen!” “I can reach my goal because look how far I’ve come”

  4. Activates the “reward” circuits in your brain- pleasure, I want to do it again

  5. Reinforces “good” behavior

Sincerely, Camille

Take Action Corner-Challenge!

Take a moment to write down…

  • What successes have you experienced in 2020 so far?

  • How will you celebrate your success?

  • Celebrate who you are becoming? 

Changing habits is hard, anything that is moving is moving in the direction of progress.

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